Real NFT application in the “Real world 2.0”

KChain Solutions
5 min readFeb 7, 2023



An NFT can be deemed valuable when its unique characteristics allow the exercise of rights over goods, services, products, or access. In this article, we will examine this use case, which is straightforward to implement in a fully decentralized application where the NFT is linked to our account and we operate only inside the chain. However, the scenario changes when we want to verify NFT ownership in a Web 2.0 application where we aim to receive, for example, a discount through a FIAT payment.

We analyze this second scenario because well-established brands may find it too burdensome to completely revamp all their processes to align with a strict 3.0 standard, and it may be more prudent to gradually integrate the new methodologies and protocols.

We will explore how to accomplish this by integrating TheGraph, GraphQL, Ethers, a Web 2.0 application, and utilizing the event system of the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

The idea

The sequence diagram illustrates one of the potential use cases we aim to depict. A store opts to register an NFT to grant a discount privilege to the owners of this collection. Let’s delve into the steps of the sequence diagram.

FIG1 — Sequence diagram

[1–3] The user acquires the NFT from a marketplace such as OpenSea.

[4–8] The platform launches a validation smart contract and records the NFT’s address for which the owner intends to apply a special offer.

[9–13] The user sets a secret key through the web application.

[14] The user accesses the page to perform the transaction for the product.

[15] Upon logging in, the user will be prompted to invoke a method on the validation smart contract to verify NFT ownership. A session ID, with a limited validity of the user’s choice, is attached to the smart contract call.

[16–18] The method generates an event that reports whether the user owns the NFT eligible for the promotion. A verification hash, calculated as follows, is attached to the event: HASH(userSessionId, HASH(secretKey)).

[20–21] The application queries the events through The Graph protocol.

[22–26] The payment with discount and NFT ownership is confirmed only if the hash calculated by the smart contract matches the expected hash in the web application. In this case, the user may be required to re-enter their secret key.

Execute the code

The developed code includes the logic for a smart contract and the files necessary for generating a subgraph to be published on The Graph.

These are the key files of the project.

| Filename                            | Usage                                                                                                  |
| ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| contract/ERC721ValidatorFactory.sol | The factory contract to instatiate a new validator |
| contract/ERC721ValidatorFactory.sol | The Validator contract that caontains all the logics |
| test/ERC721Validator.js | Unit tests file |
| abis/ | The folder must contain the abis of the contracts |
| schema.graphql | The GraphQL schema that defines what data is stored for your subgraph, and how to query it via GraphQL |
| subgraph.yaml | The subgraph manifest where you have to insert the ERC721ValidatorFactory address |
| network.json | Network configuration file where you have to insert the ERC721ValidatorFactory address |
| src/mapping.ts | Graph code that translates from the event data to the entities defined in your schema |
| .env | Environment variable file |
| harhat.config.js | Hardhat configuration file |



For the successful execution of the code, it is required to compile the .env file with the appropriate configuration parameters.

MNEMONIC="secret wallet phrase here"

1. Install packages and run unit-tests

npm install
npx hardhat test
FIG2 — Unit tests

2. Deploy ERC721ValidatorFactory

npx hardhat scripts/deploy.js --network goerli
FIG3 — Deploy

3. Insert the ERC721ValidatorFactory address into the subgraph.yaml and network.json

specVersion: 0.0.5
description: ERC721Validator
file: ./schema.graphql
- kind: ethereum
name: ERC721ValidatorFactory
network: goerli
address: "ADDRESS HERE"
abi: ERC721ValidatorFactory
startBlock: 8443300
kind: ethereum/events
apiVersion: 0.0.7
language: wasm/assemblyscript
- NewERC721Validator
- name: ERC721ValidatorFactory
file: ./abis/ERC721ValidatorFactory.json
- event: NewERC721Validator(address,string,address)
handler: handleNewERC721Validator
file: ./src/mapping.ts
- kind: ethereum
name: ERC721Validator
network: goerli
abi: ERC721Validator
kind: ethereum/events
apiVersion: 0.0.7
language: wasm/assemblyscript
- Validation
- name: ERC721Validator
file: ./abis/ERC721Validator.json
- event: Validation(address,string,address,address,bytes32,bool)
handler: handleValidation
file: ./src/mapping.ts
"ethereum": {
"goerli": {
"address": "ADDRESS HERE"

4. Play with Remix

You can play the contract cloning the repository using Remix.

Fig4 — Remix

Remeber the process:

  • Only the contract creator's address can call the registerNFT method.
  • You should associate the NFT just registered to the user
  • The user address MUST set an hashed secret with setSecret. Take a look at Utility functions and npx hardhat hashSecret --secret "kchain"
  • The user can finally call validate

5. Deploy the subgraph to read events following this tutorial

npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli
graph auth --studio <DEPLOY KEY>
npm run codegen
npm run deploy

Here is a query example to retrieve successful validations

Fig5 — The Graph studio

Utility functions

Export abi files from ./artifacts to ./abis

npx hardhat run scripts/loadAbiFiles.js

Hashing a secretKey with Keccak256

npx hardhat hashSecret --secret "kchain"

Calculate hash equality

npx hardhat controlHash --secret kchain --user-session-key session1  --hash 0x0b29ecc5ee57a77bb9b0b16b32d5e3d7bfb209512685705ad98746c0c357bbda

If you need further clarification on the use of the code, do not hesitate to contact me for advice.



KChain Solutions
KChain Solutions

Written by KChain Solutions

With expertise and dedication, we drive meaningful industry change, embracing the future of technology

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